Product: Software
NCPlot Tool-Path Plotting Software
Developed by Scott Martinez

The program window and viewport window of NCPlot. Notice that a custom macro B program is being verified.
Tool path plotting software - and much more!
These are but a few of the features in NCPlot. You've got to learn more about this feature-packed - yet affordable - program!
Work with new or existing programs.
Modify programs with our full-featured text editor.
Convert custom macros into G code programs.
Convert DXF files into G code programs.
Plot CNC programs.
Plot custom macro B programs.
Create G code for engraving text.
Transfer programs to CNC machines.
Who can benefit?
Create CNC programs.
Verify manually written CNC programs.
Verify modified G code programs create on CAM systems.
Verify custom macro B programs.
Create G code from .DXF files.
Setup people
Save expensive machine time - move program verification off line.
Visually check to be sure you're running the correct version of the program.
Check your program edits beforerunning the program in the machine.
Let students practice with new programs in a virtual environment.
Minimize potential for damaged machines.
Ensure your understanding - practice run the programs you write.
Special student pricing is available. You must be currently attending a CNC class. See pricing information (at the bottom of this page) for details.
Ensure that your people are doing all they can to prove out new programsbefore they hit the machine.
NCPlot: Main features
All the tools you'd expect to find in an excellent tool path plotting program - and there's so much more!
Don't think of NCPlot as just a tool path plotter. This outstanding program provides all the resources you need to develop and verify G code programs from scratch.
NCPlot's well designed display screen is made up of two main viewing areas, the Text Editor (on the left) and the Plotting Viewport (on the right). You can manipulate the size of each viewing area at any time with a vertical sliding bar. So if you're typing in a program, move the sliding bar to the right to expose more of the Text Editor. If you're verifying a program, move the sliding bar to the left to expose more of the Plotting Viewport. Program menus located at the top of the screen provide access to all program functions and toolbar icons provide instant access to the most commonly used functions.
The Plotting Viewport is interactive with the Text Editor. After you make an addition or change in the Text Editor, you simply click one button (Refresh Plot) to see what your change has done in the Plotting Viewport. What a great way to check your work as you create a program!
What if I already have a CAM system that displays tool path?
Aside from the fact that we know of no CAM system that displays custom macro B commands, many CAM systems only show a representation of what the CAM system thinks the G code program will do - and it does so while the G code level program is being created. Most CAM systems don't actually plot the G code program. This means if you edit a G code program, you won't be able to verify (with your CAM system) that the changes you've made are correct. Since NCPlot works at G code level, you can always verify that modifications to G code programs are correct.
Download a fully-functional, time-limited demo of NCPlot
We hope we've whetted your appetite for NCPlot and that you want to know more. With our fully-functional demo of NCPlot, you'll be able to evaluate NCPlot for fifteen days. Judge for yourself if NCPlot will suit your needs.
This link takes you to the NCPlot download page. Click the "Click here to download NCPlot" link to download the software.
Order today!
If you've been using your CNC machine tools to verify programs, you've been wasting precious machine time doing something that could be done off line with NCPlot. You'll be able to justify the cost of NCPlot with the first mistake you find!
If you write or use custom macro B programs, NCPlot provides an affordable way to verify your custom macros off line - and in an easier manner than on a CNC machine tool.
If you don't have a CAM system, NCPlot will provide you with many helpful features - like the DXF to G code converter - to help you create CNC programs from scratch.
Even if you do have a CAM system, NCPlot will allow you to verifymodified G code level programs and custom macro B programs.
If you're an instructor, NCPlot will help you teach CNC in an interactive manner. Students will be able to visually check their programs - even as they type them - before running them on your expensive lab machines.
If you're a student taking classes to learn about CNC, you'll be able to check the motions in your exercises before turning them in! Special student pricing is available. See the pricing information at the bottom of this page for details.
What about updates?
Updates for NCPlot version 2.xx are FREE, meaning until we release a major upgrade (version 3.00), you'll always be able to get the most recent version of the software. Once you buy, you'll be given an unlock key that will work for all updates to version 2.xx. Simply check in from time to time to see if a newer version has been released (check the download page - the version number is specified next to the download link). If there is a newer version, download it and install it. You won't even have to reenter your unlock code - all updates for NCPlot version 2.xx will recognize that you are a licensed user!
Delivery Options
You have two delivery options to acquire the fully licensed version of NCPlot.
Delivery by download - To begin, download the demo. This will allow you to work with NCPlot for fifteen days. When you buy, we'll email you the unlock code that changes your demo into the licensed version of the software. Orders are processed and unlock-code emails are sent only during regular business hours (not holidays, weekends, or evenings). Even so, this delivery method will save you time and money.
CD-rom version - While more expensive, we can deliver NCPlot to you on a CD-rom disk. Again, there is an extra charge for the CD-rom and for shipping.
Industry pricing:
Delivery by download: ** Again, download orders are processed only during regular business hours (not holidays, weekends, or evenings).
SW-NCPD ~ NCPlot Single License ~ $299.00
Delivery by CD-rom (shipped to you):
SW-NCPC ~ NCPlot Single License ~ 324.00
Additional licenses:
Need more than one license? We offer a substantial discount for each additional license for NCPlot that you purchase. You must, of course, purchase the first license at full price to qualify for the discounted price.
SW-NCPA ~ Additional License (download) ~ $150.00
Student/Academic pricing:
Since NCPlot is such a good learning aid, we provide special pricing for students. If you are currently attending a CNC class, you can purchase NCPlot for a dramatically reduced price. You must provide proof of your student status. If you place your order on line, be sure to include in the "Add a note" field on the shopping cart page:
School name
Class name
Instructor's name
Instructor's phone number
Or you can take a picture of your valid student ID card from an accredited institution and email it to us. We must confirm your student status before we can process your order. We will not process student orders if you do not provide this information.