In custom macro B, SETVN stands for Set Variable Name. It allows you to place a short message – up to eight characters long – next to some of the permanent common variable (#500 series variables). Doing so allows you to document the use of some of the permanent common variables. So when the control’s display screen is set to show the permanent common variables page, messages will display next to the permanent common variables.
Note that controls vary when it comes to how many permanent common variables you can document in this fashion. With many controls you are limited to the first ten (#500 through #509). Other controls allow you to document the first fifty (#500 through #549), assuming the control has this many permanent common variables. You must reference the custom macro section of the Operators Manual in order to determine how many variables you can document with SETVN.
The format for the SETVN command is:
The number next to the SETVN word is the variable number being set. The message in brackets will be displayed next to the #500 series variable. The message must be in upper case characters (capital letters).
With the previous example, the message STYLUS D will appear next to (to the left of) permanent common variable #500.
If you have an application that uses permanent common variables, it’s not a bad idea to document them. This will let everyone know which permanent common variables to avoid using in new custom macro programs and will explain the meaning of each. For example, maybe you have set three two system constants – one for rapid approach distance (using #500), one for the M code number corresponding to low spindle range (using #501), and one for the M code number corresponding to high spindle range (using #502).
This program will nicely document the three permanent common variables:
Once this program is executed, the messages will appear next to the three permanent common variables.