Product: CD-Rom Course
Parametric Programming for CNC Machines

Course includes manual, workbook, answer book, and over nine hours of presentation on three CDs
Learn Fanuc's Custom Macro, Okuma's user task 2, and Fadal's macro - all in one course!
We've always said that parametric programming is one of CNC's best kept secrets. While more and more people are becoming familiar with this powerful programming tool, there are still many in the industry that don't even know what it is, let alone how to take advantage of its many features. At the very least, all CNC people should know the applications for parametric programming. Better yet, they should be able to apply this powerful tool to reduce setup time and cycle time, facilitate CNC machine utilization, make programming easier, and in general, make their CNC machines easier to work with!
In this comprehensive course, you'll learn what parametric programming is, it's five application categories, its features, and how to apply it. An ample supply of examples is given for all application categories.
Introduction to parametric programming (30 min)
Variable techniques (2 hrs, 36 min)
Arithmetic capabilities (1hr, 4 min)
Logic and program flow control (1 hr, 33 min)
Generating loops (48 min)
System variables (1 hr, 44 min)
Other CNC features of parametric programming (55 min)
Approaching and verifying parametric programs (22 min)
Instruction methods:
While we assume you have a good understanding of standard G-code-level manual programming as you begin this course, we assume nothing about your current knowledge about parametric programming. So when it comes to parametric programming, we start from scratch. While an elementary understanding of computer programming helps, we don't assume you have computer programming experience.
This course covers three very popular versions of parametric programming. Fanuc's custom macro B is by far the most popular version, and is the version of parametric programming being used by any control manufacturer claiming to be Fanuc-compatible (Yasnac, Haas, Mitsubishi, Mazatrol's eia, Seikos, among others). But even if you don't have Fanuc controls, this course also includes presentations for Okuma's user task 2 and Fadal's macro.
Over 70% of CNC machines used today are covered by this course! Due to the interactive nature of computer based training, you can easily view just the presentations you're interested in and skip those you're not.
All presentations are applications based. Each step of the way, we show real-world applications that you can easily adapt to your specific needs. There are plenty of examples and we stress the reasons why features are available as well as how they can help you (compare this your control manufacturer's descriptions in their programming manual).
Course Includes:
Presented by Mike Lynch
Courseware on3 CD ROM disks
8 lessons totaling 9.5 hours of presentation
All computer generated graphics and animations
Presented in Microsoft PowerPoint
Easy navigation
Workbook containing eight exercises and sixteen programming activities
Answer book
Free phone assistance
Start-up page:
