Product: CNC Curriculums, Online
CNC Instructors: Facilitate Your Own CNC Classes
with Proven Curriculums
Schools have been using our CNC curriculums for years. Our proven Key Concepts approach lets instructors stress the reasons why things are done as importantly as how they are done. Our instructor materials, including lesson plans and graphic PowerPoint presentations, make it easy to teach CNC classes. Tutorial student materials, including student manuals and workbook activities - along with your teaching - make it easy for students to learn CNC.
Now we’ve brought the content for our CNC classes on-line and we're making it available to instructors who are teaching CNC classes.
Choose from two approaches to teach basic CNC Classes
Based upon whether students currently have shop experience
Use a proven method for communicating CNC
Our Key Concepts approach stresses the reasons why thing are done as importantly as how they're done
Eliminate the need for students to buy and carry books and workbooks
Reading materials and exercises are provided in electronic format (.pdf files)
Supplement or even eliminate your lectures
Narrated presentations parallel what you do during face-to-face lectures
Provide another way for students to learn
Even if you present face-to-face lectures, our narrated presentations will provide an alternate way to learn
Let students learn 24/7
Learning materials are available on-line
Allow students to view missed presentations
If a student can't make it to one of your lectures, they can still view its content
Minimize grading time
Tests are on-line and automatically graded
Track your students' progress
You'll be able to monitor all on-line activities
Free yourself up to help in the lab
With minimized lecture time, you'll be free to work more closely with students
Keep things affordable for your students
Prices range from $99.00 to $129.00 per student per class - remember - students no longer need books, so there's nothing else to buy
Eliminate shipping time and cost
Faster turnaround - and lower cost
Two approaches to teach basic classes
Basic CNC classes (if students have previous shop experience):
Most popular for schools that have prerequisite shop classes.
Machining Center Programming, Setup, and Operation
Turning Center Programming, Setup, and Operation
Basic CNC classes (if students have no previous shop experience):
Most popular for schools teaching on-site classes for local industy.
Machining Center Setup and Operation followed by Machining Center Programming
Turning Center Setup and Operation followed by Turning Center Programming
Why not teach an advanced CNC Class?
We provide on-line content for three advanced CNC classes. Expand your potential student base to include people who already know the basics!:
Advanced Techniques with Basic CNC Features
Parametric Programming for CNC Machining and Turning Centers
Getting More from Your CNC Machines
Our proven method
Each class is broken into Key Concepts and further divided into lessons. In each lesson, we provide two instructional activities, presentations – many of which are narrated – and reading material. Presentations are shown using an easy-to-navigate media player. Reading materials are provided in the form of Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) files that can be viewed on the computer screen or printed. Students can save reading materials.
We also provide two ways for instructors/facilitators to evaluate students' progress, tests and programming activities. Every lesson includes a test. Tests are automatically and immediately graded so students will know exactly how they did. If desired, test results can be emailed to you (or you can go on line to check results). Programming activities (required in programming classes), once completed, can be submitted face to face or emailed to you for grading.
We even provide a grade book (an Excel file) for each set of content to help you track your students' progress. Each is ready for you to enter students and their grades. Once all the grades are entered, you'll see their final scores.
For the assignments in each set of content, we provide answer responses to make it easy for you to grade and comment on students' work. These (Microsoft Word) documents contain a response to the student with a place to specify their grade, a place to comment on their work, a place to paste their submission, and complete answers (coordinate sheets or programs) so they can easily compare their work to the answers. All of this can be easily copied into an email and sent to the student.
To summarize, activities in each class include:
Reading material
Coordinate sheet exercises
Programming activities
Additional instructor materials include:
Grade books
Answers to assignments
Are you currently using our curriculums?
If you have been using our CNC curriculums, rest assured that this on line content precisely parallels our curriculum materials. That is, Key Concepts, lesson structure, and lesson content for each class remain unchanged. But by utilizing our on line content you can:
Eliminate the need for students to buy the student manual
Reading materials downloaded during each lesson contain the same information that is currently included in our student manuals. Students can view, print, and save these (.pdf) files. These electronic documents eliminate the need to purchase and lug around physical textbooks.
Since reading materials can be printed and saved, your students can retain a permanent reference that can be used in the future - much like keeping a textbook. Most "electonic textbooks" can only be rented - and cannot be permanently saved.
Eliminate the need for students to buy a workbook
Tests, coordinate sheet exercises, and programming activities are now available on line. Tests are taken on line and are automatically graded . Coordinate sheet exercises and programming activities are first downloaded and printed (.pdf files). Once students complete them, they submit them to you for grading.
Supplement - or even eliminate - your lectures
Our narrated presentations are very comprehensive. If you give face-to-face lectures, our narrated presentations will surely supplement them nicely. At the very least, they will provide another way for students to learn the material by seeing and hearing it presented another way. We even know of several instructors who use our material as their sole method of instruction.
Provide another way for your students to learn
If you don't lecture, rest assured that they are complete enough to stand on their own. Many instructors who use our materials don't present face-to-face lectures. They expect students to study the material on their own. At the very least, these presentations will give your students a second learning alternative.
You may not have time to cover all material in lectures. With our presentations, you can have students self-study material you cannot cover in class.
Our presentations can be viewed from any device that can display flash movies, including desktop computers, notebooks, tablets, and smart phones.
Let students view and review 24/7
If you are teaching face-to-face (possibly using our PowerPoint presentations), students can easily review a topic, over and over again, without needing you.
Have students view missed presentations
If you are teaching face-to-face classes, and if a student misses a lecture, they can view the appropriate presentation/s on line. Again, you won’t have to repeat yourself every time someone misses a session.
Minimize grading time
Every lesson includes an on-line test. Grading is automatic and the results will be emailed to you. All you'll have to do is record scores.
Programming related lessons also include coordinate sheet assignments and programming activities. While you do have to grade them, we provide you with answers in the form of a template (Word) file you can use to respond to students with results and comments.
For a limited time, we are providing a school license for NCPlot ($99.00 value) to schools who begin using any of our programming related on-line content. NCPlot dramatically simplifies the grading of programs submitted during class.
A grade-book is included (Excel file) with each set of on-line content to allow you to record grades. It's a template that you can use over and over again. The student's final grade will be shown once you've completed all entries.
Assign homework reading and viewing assignments
For presentations you elect not to make in class, you can have students view them on their own - not taking precious class/lecture time.
Implement an open-in / open-out format
While our materials are intended to supplement your teaching, they do stand on their own very well. Several thousand people have used my self-study materials to learn CNC completely on their own. This means you can use this content as part of a self-study class, facilitated by you.
View and track student progress
You will be the facilitator for each class. As such, you will be able to track student progress. You’ll be able to see which lesson activities students have worked on (and how far they have gotten) and you’ll be able to see test results for each lesson.
Free yourself up to help in the lab
Today's instructors are kept pretty busy. Multiple classes combined with a heavier workloads combine to make your time pretty precious. Relieve the burden by letting our on-line content do at least some of the instructional and evaluation work for you.
Pricing is based on utilizing all of the content (reading material, presentations, tests, and programming activities) for each class. Also, with the pricing shown below, content will be made available to students for the length of your semester (commonly 16 weeks, but we’re flexible in this regard).
An access code coupon will be provided for each license purchased. This coupon (used by the student) provides instructions to complete the registration process. The student will simply submit an on-line form and we will place them in your class. We will also send them a confirmation email that contains a link to the log-in page and suggestions for getting started.
Machining center programming, setup, and operation -
code: OLC-MCPO - $129.00 per student per class -
Turning center programming, setup, and operation -
code: OLC-TCPO - $129.00 per student per classMachining center setup and operation -
code: OLC-MCSO - $99.00 per student per class -
Machining center programming -
code: OLC-MCP - $99.00 per student per class -
Turning center setup and operation -
code: OLC-TCSO - $99.00 per student per class -
Turning center programming -
code: OLC-TCP - $99.00 per student per class -
Advanced techniques with basic features -
code: OLC-AT - $129.00 per student per class -
Parametric programming for CNC machining and turning centers -
code: OLC-PP - $129.00 per student per class -
Getting more from your CNC machines -
code: OLC-GM - $129.00 per student per class
Note: School setup is required. Minimum order (10) is required for initial order. Subsequent orders can be for any quantity.
Ready to get started?
Contact us by phone (847-639-8847) or email ( to learn more. We'll provide you with temporary access to an actual class - both as a student and as a facilitator - so you can get a first-hand understanding of how the system works.