Product: Self-Study Manual
Machining Center Setup and Operation
A Guide To Running CNC Machining Centers

New edition!
Expanded descriptions of basic machining practices
Newer FANUC CNC control models shown
Soft bound
318 pages
Written by Mike Lynch and published by CNC Concepts, Inc.
Tutorial format
Over 150 pictures and illustrations
Practice exercises and tests (with answers) included in the text
Includes expanded introduction to basic machining practices
View the Table of Contents to see just how comprehensive this manual is!
Copyright 2023, CNC Concepts, Inc.
ISBN: 9798850130404
CNC machining centers are very popular in manufacturing companies. Just about every company that performs metal-cutting operations has at least one. Since they are so popular, people beginning their CNC careers are often exposed to machining centers first. This makes learning about them an excellent first choice for people beginning their careers in CNC.
In this text, we assume you have very little or no previous experience in a manufacturing environment. Indeed, the first one-hundred pages are devoted to basic machining practices, and get you ready to learn about CNC. Topics here include shop safety, shop math, blueprint reading, tolerance interpretation, measuring devices, and machining operations performed on machining centers.
While these topics are often considered prerequisite to learning about CNC, more and more people are entering the field of CNC with little or no shop experience – so we include this important prerequisite information.
We use a Key Concepts approach to teaching you about CNC. This proven tutorial method allows us to stress the reasons why things are done as importantly as how they’re done. It provides a building blocks approach to learning. And it limits the number of things you must master in order to become proficient.
The Key Concepts are further divided into lessons. Most lessons include quizzes and practice right in the text (answers provided close by) and every lesson ends with a test (answers provided at the end of the text). This combination of tutorial text, explanatory illustrations, and lots of practice truly turns this text a self-study course that will teach you what you need to know in order to become a proficient CNC machining center setup person or operator.
There are four Key Concepts divided into twelve lessons:
Key Concept number one: Get ready to learn about CNC machining centers
Lesson One: Basic machining practices required for machining centers
Lesson Two: What does a CNC machining center do?
Key Concept number two: Know your machine from a setup person’s or operator’s viewpoint
Lesson Three: General flow of CNC process
Lesson Four: Machine configurations
Lesson Five: Understanding the control panels
Lesson Six: Important procedures needed to run the machine
Key Concept number three: Know the three compensation types
Lesson Seven: Understanding compensation
Lesson Eight: Fixture offsets and assigning program zero
Lesson Nine: Tool length compensation
Lesson Ten: Cutter radius compensation
Key Concept number four: Master the tasks to run a CNC machining center
Lesson Eleven: Tasks related to making setups
Lesson Twelve: Tasks related to completing a production run
When you finish reading this text and doing the exercises, you will have a firm understanding of what it takes to setup and run a CNC machining center. However, we must point out that there’s more to learning how to setup and run a CNC machining center than you can read in a book – regardless of how good the book is. You will need practice on an actual CNC machining center in order to fully master its use. If you are enrolled in a technical school’s CNC course – your instructor will provide the necessary practice.
If you are not enrolled in a CNC course, you will need on-the-job training to complete your education. Unfortunately, no text can provide hands-on training. But we can provide classroom-type training and the theory you must understand before you can spend any meaningful time at a CNC machining center.
CC-MCSO-M ~ Machining center setup and operation ~ $70.00
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